Launching of alternative semi-intensive mithun rearing system in the farmers’ field

Launching of alternative semi-intensive mithun rearing system in the farmers’ fieldIt is traditionally believed that mithun, a unique domesticated animal of the North-Eastern hilly region, can be reared only under a free-range forest rearing system. But with the decreasing forest coverage in the region, it is imperative to find an alternative rearing system. The package of practices for alternative semi-intensive mithun rearing system, developed by the Institute, has already been practised successfully in the Institute’s Mithun Farm.

On 30th April 2016, Dr H. Rahman, Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR, New Delhi launched the alternative semi-intensive system of mithun rearing under farmers’ fields at Molvom village of Medziphema block, Dimapur, Nagaland. On this occasion, under Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP), nine mithun cows and one mithun calf were distributed among three farmers of Molvom village viz., Mr Laljon Misao, Letthang and Veikhochong.

Launching of alternative semi-intensive mithun rearing system in the farmers’ field