Distribution of Piglets and Pig Feed Under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for Doubling Farmers’ Income



As a part of the Institute initiative towards creating self-reliant, self-sustaining and self-generating tribal communities and doubling of farmer’s income, 50 piglets and 2000 kgs of pig feed were distributed to 99 beneficiaries from three districts of Nagaland on the 21st April, 2021 under the Tribal Sub Plan Scheme. Piglets were ear tagged and distributed to five women Self Help Groups from Mesulumi village of Phek district, Sodzulhou, Khaibung and Medziphema villages from Dimapur district and Tening village from Peren District. The programme was coordinated by the institute TSP in charge Kamni P. Biam, Scientist and Dr. Kobu Khate, CTO.