
The library is one of the important central facilities of the institute. It has a collection of books covering a wide area of subjects dealing with Animal Genetics and Breeding, Animal Nutrition, Animal Physiology, Livestock Production and Management, Animal Health, Molecular Biology, and allied areas. The library is also subscribing to a number of national and international journals. Some of the notables include Animal Science, Reproduction, Veterinary Parasitology, Current Science, Livestock Production Science, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, etc. The library is also a vast reservoir of Annual reports, newsletters, research highlights, and other special publications received from ICAR Institutes, SAUs, and other organizations under the exchange program. The library is also providing bibliographic search through CD-ROM. It has a good bibliographic database collection of MEDLINE, VET CD, BEAST CD, and AGRIS. The activities of the library are looked after by Dr Vikram R., with logistic help from one administrative staff and one attendant. The total number of books, journals, and other documents in the library is presented below.